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2023-2학기 외국인 장학생 연구활동내역서 제출 안내(Guidance on submitting research activity report for foreign scholarship students in the 2023-2 semester)
작성자 신** 작성일 2023-09-19 조회수 172

외국인 장학생 중 2023학년도 2학기 학위청구논문심사 신청을 하고자 하는 학생은 외국인 장학 졸업요건을 충족하여야 학위청구논문심사 신청을 할 수 있습니다.

가. 대상 : 외국인 장학생 중 2023-2학기 학위청구논문심사 신청(초고제출)을 하고자 하는 학생

나. 제출기한 : 2023. 10. 6.(금)까지(미제출시 학위청구논문신청 불가함)

     ※ 학위청구논문심사 신청(초고 제출) 기간 : 2023. 10. 23(월) ~ 10. 27.(금) 

다. 제출서류 : 연구활동내역서 및 증빙서류

      * 연구 활동내역과 관련한 증빙서류 (투고증명서논문첫페이지(사본), 판권지(사본),

        책표지(사본), 한국어능력시험 성적증명서  1. 

Among foreign scholarship students, students who wish to apply for a thesis review for the second semester of 2023 must meet the requirements for graduation from foreign scholarship to apply for a thesis review.

A. Target: Among foreign scholarship students, students who want to apply for a thesis review for the 2023-2 semester

I. Submission deadline: by October 6, 2023 (Friday) (If not submitted, thesis request for degree cannot be applied)

※ Application for thesis review (submission of draft) Period: October 23, 2023 (Monday) to October 27 (Fri) 

All. Documents to be submitted: Research activity details and supporting documents

* One copy of each of the supporting documents related to research activities (certificate of contribution, first page of the thesis (copy), copyright paper (copy), book cover (copy), and Korean language proficiency test report certificate).