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[콜로퀴움] Asymptotic Behaviors of Nonlinear Flows
작성자 문** 작성일 2013-10-29 조회수 1558
콜 로 퀴 움 1. Time : 2013. 11. 01(금) 17:00 ~ 18:00 2. Place : 울산대학교 8호관 426호 (자연과학관 멀티미디어실) 3. Speaker : 이기암 교수 (서울대 수학과) 4. Title : Asymptotic Behaviors of Nonlinear Flows 5. Abstract : In this talk, we are going to discuss asymptotic behaviors of the solutions for nonlinear parabolic flows. Typical behavior will be global existence of solutions and vanishing at infinite time as heat flows. But there could be various behaviors due to nonlinearity of the flows. The solution may exists globally in time, but blows up at infinite time or converges to steady state. Another interesting is that the solution may exists only during finite time due to fast diffusion or escalating forces. The asymptotic behavior of solutions is similar with so-called self-similar solutions that satisfies. Elliptic eigenvalue problems. We also discuss open problems in these context. ※ 2014 Seoul ICM invited speaker